Adaptive Behavior Assessment Tool

Adaptive Behavior Assessment Tool


- Rating Scale:

  • 0 = Unable to perform
  • 1 = Performs with assistance
  • 2 = Performs independently but inconsistently
  • 3 = Performs independently and consistently

Review each statement relevant to the individual's age group and rate their ability. Collect information through observations, caregiver interviews, or self-reports.

Age Range [3–5]

1. Conceptual Domain

Language and Communication

  1. Understands simple instructions
  2. Uses basic vocabulary
  3. Recognizes letters or numbers
  4. Follows simple stories
  5. Expresses needs verbally

Academic Skills

  1. Counts up to 10
  2. Identifies basic shapes and colors
  3. Engages in simple puzzles
  4. Understands concepts of "more" and "less"

Memory and Attention

  1. Remembers daily routines
  2. Maintains attention during activities
  3. Recalls names of family members

Problem-Solving and Reasoning

  1. Solves simple problems
  2. Makes choices between options
  3. Understands cause and effect

2. Social Domain

Interpersonal Relationships

  1. Engages in parallel play
  2. Shares toys when prompted
  3. Shows affection to familiar people

Social Awareness

  1. Recognizes emotions in others
  2. Follows simple social rules


  1. Communicates discomfort
  2. Asks for help when needed

Conflict Resolution

  1. Responds to redirection
  2. Attempts to use words instead of physical actions

3. Practical Domain

Personal Care

  1. Uses utensils during meals
  2. Attempts to dress themselves
  3. Practices basic hygiene

Household Management

  1. Helps with simple chores
  2. Follows safety instructions

Community Use

  1. Stays with caregiver in public places
  2. Recognizes common public symbols

Age Range [6–9]

1. Conceptual Domain

Language and Communication

  1. Understands multi-step instructions
  2. Reads simple sentences
  3. Writes basic words or sentences
  4. Engages in conversations about daily events

Academic Skills

  1. Performs basic arithmetic
  2. Tells time on an analog clock
  3. Understands the value of coins
  4. Reads simple stories independently

Memory and Attention

  1. Recalls details from stories
  2. Maintains focus during classroom activities
  3. Follows a sequence of tasks

Problem-Solving and Reasoning

  1. Solves age-appropriate puzzles
  2. Makes decisions with simple reasoning
  3. Understands basic rules of games

2. Social Domain

Interpersonal Relationships

  1. Participates in group play
  2. Maintains friendships
  3. Recognizes social cues

Social Awareness

  1. Shows empathy towards peers
  2. Respects classroom rules


  1. Communicates academic difficulties to teacher
  2. Expresses preferences and interests

Conflict Resolution

  1. Attempts to resolve disputes verbally
  2. Accepts consequences of actions

3. Practical Domain

Personal Care

  1. Manages personal hygiene independently
  2. Chooses appropriate attire

Household Management

  1. Completes simple chores
  2. Helps with meal preparation

Community Use

  1. Follows safety rules in public
  2. Makes small purchases with supervision

Age Range [11–14]

1. Conceptual Domain

Language and Communication

  1. Understands abstract concepts
  2. Writes structured paragraphs
  3. Engages in discussions and debates

Academic Skills

  1. Performs complex arithmetic
  2. Understands scientific concepts
  3. Manages a homework schedule

Memory and Attention

  1. Remembers schedules and deadlines
  2. Focuses during extended tasks

Problem-Solving and Reasoning

  1. Solves complex problems
  2. Makes informed decisions

2. Social Domain

Interpersonal Relationships

  1. Maintains close friendships
  2. Understands sarcasm and humor
  3. Participates in team sports or clubs

Social Awareness

  1. Recognizes social hierarchies and roles
  2. Shows sensitivity to social issues


  1. Expresses opinions respectfully
  2. Seeks help when overwhelmed

Conflict Resolution

  1. Negotiates solutions
  2. Manages peer pressure

3. Practical Domain

Personal Care

  1. Manages personal grooming
  2. Understands and manages bodily changes

Household Management

  1. Performs household tasks
  2. Prepares simple meals independently

Community Use

  1. Uses public transportation
  2. Volunteers or participates in community service

Age Range [15–18]

1. Conceptual Domain

Language and Communication

  1. Engages in complex conversations
  2. Writes essays and reports
  3. Understands and uses advanced vocabulary

Academic Skills

  1. Applies mathematical concepts to real-life scenarios
  2. Plans and completes long-term projects
  3. Prepares for standardized tests

Memory and Attention

  1. Manages multiple responsibilities
  2. Remembers detailed information

Problem-Solving and Reasoning

  1. Develops solutions to complex problems
  2. Makes future plans

2. Social Domain

Interpersonal Relationships

  1. Maintains diverse relationships
  2. Navigates romantic relationships
  3. Collaborates effectively in group projects

Social Awareness

  1. Understands societal norms and laws
  2. Engages in civic activities


  1. Pursues personal interests and goals
  2. Negotiates needs in various settings

Conflict Resolution

  1. Resolves conflicts independently
  2. Provides and accepts constructive feedback

3. Practical Domain

Personal Care

  1. Manages health independently
  2. Understands personal finances

Household Management

  1. Performs complex household tasks
  2. Manages time effectively

Community Use

  1. Drives or navigates transportation systems
  2. Seeks employment or higher education opportunities